What I Can Do For You

Browser Takeover

Did you ever have this happen? You receive an agressive error message telling you to call a number to remove the pop-up? CALL ME INSTEAD!


Computer Slowdown?

Does your computer seem to be starting and running slowly? Give me a call! I can help remotely!


YES! It works again!

I'll listen to your issue, find a solution, then make sure you understand in plain English what you can do to avoid it happening again


Your wallet will thank you!

Very reasonable rates, and 1 on 1 service provided


Contact Me

Call or send an email using the form below


I can fix it REMOTELY!

I can log in remotely to your Mac or PC to fix your issue, or if you live in the Twin Cities area, I can come and see what is going on.

Here's How I Can Help

Choose topic below



"It USED to be Fast!

There are many things that can slow computer performance.

Whether you are simply using your computer for email and keeping in touuch with family, or useing your computing power to create documents for your business, I can find what may be slowing things down, then get them moving again.


Software Updates

We have all had a prompt "Software Update" and faced with the question "Should I update?" I can help getting all software updated and running smoothly for you.


Weird Pop-ups

Don't Worry, I got this!

Whether it is a browser hijack or virus, I'll clean it remotely!

I can safely log into your Mac or PC and remove any and all malicious activities that may be plauging your computer.


Computer Viruses

I will eliminate them!

The first step is to find what is causing your computer to act strangely, then eliminate the virus.

The next step is to get your virus protection up and running so this will not happen again.

I then will recommend and install a good virus protection software to protect your computer from viruses.


Printer Issues

Does your printer and computer have a standing misunderstanding?

I can help by insalling the latest software to get your computer and printer talking and working together again.

If there are other printer issues, I can help diagnose and fix them too.


Emial Issues

Gmail, Outlook, or Other

Wether you are useing Gmail or any other email client, I can find out why you can't get access to your email, or I can set up a new account for you if needed.

Email issues can be resolved by adjustments to settings, or as challenging as contacting the email provider's help desk and getting assistance. I will help with all this so you don't have to. Yay for you!


"Todd The Tech got my email and computer working the way it was supposed to!"   ~ Kris

The Owner


Todd Matzke

Todd The Tech Founder

I have a long history of all things computers and elecronics. I have been helping people with their computer, software and phone isseus for 20 years. It's my passion.

I am also a User Experience Designer, Web Designer, Graphic Designer by trade and have and been so for over 20 years.

I started this business to help those who don't know who to turn to when something goes wrong. I love people and love helping get things back and running. I will help you too.

Contact Todd




Contact Todd